Thursday, April 12, 2012

Surprise! I'm baaack...

Well, well, well, we meet again old friend. Okay so yes, I've taken a long break from this but I'm back and ready to roll. There have been a bunch of things happening so I will do a recap.

First of all, I'd like to mention that I'm dying for the umpteenth time this year. I tried a new foundation on Monday and I instantly broke out in hives and redness. It is Wednesday night and I'm still broken out and itchy as itchy could be. I honestly would rather be in pain right now, than itchy, the problem is that it is everywhere. Ears, face, neck, legs, back, eyes and yeah you get the picture.

Other than dying a slow and itchy death, I've been hard at work trying to get this semester done and over with. There is 10 more days and I will have a month off before Summer However, that means I only have 8 classes left in my degree!

In other school related news, I found my ultimate dream masters program. It also happens to be at my dream school: NYU. The program is a joint MA in International Politics and can you say AMAZING?!? I would absolutely die if I could get into that program. However, I'm still a ways away from that :(

I had my 2nd interview on the 3rd with Public Allies! It went really well, I was happy with it even if it was a 3 hour group interview. Major downside? I have to wait until the end of May to hear anything...

Work is work and now that it is nicer out it seems as though it is getting a little more crazy. I think end of the school year fever is starting to affect the children. But there really is no blaming them, we all are starting to feel that way.

Things haven't been going amazing lately, we've been getting some not so good news on the health front as far as my family goes. My dad is having major issues with his back, and my mom needs surgery again eventually. My shoulder is still not where it should be either which is pretty disappointing. My family goes through hell, but we manage to keep together either way, and I'm thankful for that.

I have had a lot on my mind lately, and I feel like I need to come back and write again. Even if it has nothing to do with what is going on, writing is therapeutic. It helps me forget things and it helps me focus too. Sometimes, all you want to do is talk to that one person but it is just a whole lot easier to talk to a blank page or screen. It isn't as intimidating, at least for me. It is a fresh start in a world where that rarely ever happens...

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