Friday, March 16, 2012

Political Round-up Craziness

I have been absent from the blog for a while and I apologize school has overtaken any free time I might have, plus I am desperately trying to find moments to sleep and reduce the large deficit I have :)

However, a lot has been happening in the media/political world and it has gotten a little weird.

First up, that beautiful man George Clooney got arrested, with his father no less. What endears Mr. Clooney is that he was leading a protest at the Sudanese embassy in Washington D.C. Well done sir, you have just made yourself all that more appealing to women. Now that is how you get arrested!
Photo credit: Washington Post

My mother just informed me that Mitt Romney spouted some more nonsense today. While that as a whole does not surprise me in the least bit, what he said gave me a laugh. He said that when he becomes President, he will get rid of Planned Parenthood and Obamacare. Okay, so you are going to get rid of an organization that according to their 2009-2010 annual report, administered over 11 million different services? Need I remind you that abortion is not their only service? Included in the 11 million was: STI/STD testing for men and women, contraception (including sterilization for women and vasectomies for men), 6 different types of cancer screenings, pregnancy tests and prenatal services, and finally adoption referrals and family services.

Not to mention for many, Planned Parenthood is their only source of health care! Which is why it blows my mind that he wants to do this. Why mess with a good thing? Because you don't believe in the pill and abortion? Politicians need to stop toying with people's health and lives because of their opinions. It is getting to a dangerous standpoint.

This week, my boyfriend and I eagerly watched the new movie "Game Change". Let me tell you, there were some things I was not expecting. As a whole the movie was pretty good, it had a lot of dramatics and generally stayed true to what the media was saying about McCain's campaign. Except that was sort of the problem. They took what the media played up most about Palin and exaggerated it. They made Sarah Palin look like a total bitch. She was mean and downright nasty in the movie. Which okay, even if she was in real life, I never heard about it before this movie.

 Photo credit:

The thing that bothered me the most, was how dumb Palin was in the movie. Now, I know that even I knew more about politics than this woman, but did she really not know what the Federal Reserve was? How could she have become Governor of Alaska without knowing that? Better question: How did she graduate high school or even middle school without knowing that? It only bothers me that she was portrayed that way because I am seriously afraid that it was truth and she really was that ignorant. 

The only other thing I'll add is this: Woody Harrelson gave a great performance, I continue to be impressed by him. Ed Harris was also pretty good, but McCain in the movie does raise some questions about what the real McCain was really like too.

Finally, the last thing I'm going to hit on today is too good to be true. But the best part is it is true. The founder of Invisible Children, Jason Russell went nutso and was arrested today, for get this, masturbating in public, damaging cars, and being drunk in public. There is a video on TMZ of him naked just flipping his shit on a sidewalk...really weird.

Photo credit: Reuters

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